
Can you help me get to the top?

On September 14th I will be taking time out from Longbow to take on the challenge of climbing the 1085 metres of Snowdon in an event organised by the charity, Animals Asia. If you’d like to make a donation to encourage me to get to the top, I’d be really grateful. There’s a JustGiving link below but donation by any other means is fine!

Why am I doing it?

Animals Asia is a wonderful charity that helps animals that are victims of cruelty and abuse. In particular, it helps bears who are victims of the horribly cruel bear bile trade. I’ll spare you the details here; there’s plenty of information on the internet, or the Animals Asia website, www.animalsasia.org. Suffice to say that I think the charity deserves all the support it can get.

My effort of ‘climbing’ (if that’s the right word) Snowdon seems meagre compared to the efforts of the charity’s workers who campaign tirelessly, and rescue and care for these poor bears and other animals, but I want at least to do something to earn your donations!

I have also produced a leaflet about the event, which you can download here.

Thanks for reading
Longbow Design

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